Perfectly Imperfect: The Appeal of Authenticity in Marketing

Today, digital literacy is at its highest. Any “fake” personality that brands have on social media aren’t likely to fool anyone anymore. Consumers today are as smart as they come and the term "Social Media Manager" is no longer an insider term but something we’re all aware of. Post commenters even make jokes directly to the “Social Media Manager” of a brand— acknowledging the person running the account. 

Why is it then, that in a time where we’re more connected than ever, there still seems to be a disconnect between authenticity and curated content?

Let’s dive in.

What is Authenticity?

Authenticity is what transforms a company from a faceless business into a relatable brand. In a world filled with perfectly polished ads and carefully curated Instagram pictures, consumers are desperate for something real. A breath of fresh air from those highly edited billboards and commercials. Authenticity is about honesty, transparency, relatability, and embracing what makes your brand stand out. It's not about presenting a perfect version but showcasing the journey and the real people behind the scenes. Consumers want to know the faces and stories behind the businesses they shop and authenticity bridges that gap and fosters a deeper connection. 

One of the best ways to tell your authentic brand story is with organic social media content.

Simply put, organic content is anything posted on social media that doesn't have any advertising money behind it. Users will come across this content naturally. Think about when you are scrolling through your feed—you aren’t hoping to see ads, but rather content that provides value. Your brand can provide value by creating content that entertains, informs, educates, and solves problems for your audience. When creating content, start with, “how will this help my audience?” before, “how will this sell my product/service?”. Putting your viewers first will establish trust and encourage viewers to come back for more or follow your account.

Here’s a few kickstarter ideas for creating content of value for your viewers.

  • Create a video answering each one of your customer’s frequently asked questions

  • Introduce your employees, what they do, and allow them to share why they like working at your company

  • Share industry-related information, stories, and other content that your audience is likely to be interested in as well

  • Reshare user-generated content (UGC) of your customers using/benefiting from your product or service

  • Reveal behind the scenes with a Q&A session or about your process or unique selling point

  • Collaborate with content creators to reach new audiences and earn trust quickly

The imperfection and authenticity in content marketing lies in creating genuine, meaningful connections with your viewers. Who cares if you have a million followers if they aren’t engaged and don’t convert to loyal customers? Your focus should be on creating value for the viewer to build a relationship before they ever become a customer.

Social media offers you the opportunity to personify your brand, establish relationships with your audience, have two-way conversations, and build relationships and loyalty. By treating your brand as a person rather than a company on social media, you’ll communicate with your past, current, and future customers more effectively and drive valuable actions for your business.


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